BASF Grameen Ltd – Mosquito nets

BASF Grameen Ltd – Mosquito nets

May 27, 2013

The purpose of the company is to improve the health and business opportunities of the poor of Bangladesh.

Malaria is one of the major health problems in Bangladesh. According to the WHO World Malaria Report 2009, 11 million people in Bangladesh are at risk of malaria.

Social business solution:

In March 2009, BASF and Grameen Healthcare trust decided to found the Social Business BASF Grameen Ltd. to provide protection against insect-borne diseases. This social business will also give business opportunities to poor people who otherwise would not be able to build up a business without support.

BASF Grameen Ltd. is not a charity. It sells long lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) at a price which is affordable to the poor people in Bangladesh.

The insecticidal-treated nets are distributed in urban areas via grocery stores and supermarkets, and in rural areas via the established Grameen networks. The use of insecticidal nets will provide effective protection to the poor people in Bangladesh against malaria and other insect-borne diseases.

Thereby, BASF Grameen Ltd. contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to end poverty.


The purpose of the company is to improve the health and business opportunities of the poor of Bangladesh.



Malaria is one of the major health problems in Bangladesh. According to the WHO World Malaria Report 2009, 11 million people in Bangladesh are at risk of malaria.


Social business solution:

In March 2009, BASF and Grameen Healthcare trust decided to found the Social Business BASF Grameen Ltd. to provide protection against insect-borne diseases. This social business will also give business opportunities to poor people who otherwise would not be able to build up a business without support.


BASF Grameen Ltd. is not a charity. It sells long lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) at a price which is affordable to the poor people in Bangladesh.

The insecticidal-treated nets are distributed in urban areas via grocery stores and supermarkets, and in rural areas via the established Grameen networks. The use of insecticidal nets will provide effective protection to the poor people in Bangladesh against malaria and other insect-borne diseases.

Thereby, BASF Grameen Ltd. contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to end poverty.


Visit BASF Grameen Ltd.

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