Everyone hates having to stay in all day to wait for a parcel delivery. Well, imagine if you could choose the exact time of your delivery and at the same time provide employment opportunities for vulnerable populations (for example disabled people or refugees) in your local neighbourhood whilst reducing CO2 emissions.
We are always looking to support our social business initiatives across the globe. The most recent example has been the support of the International Investment Fund (IIF) at the University of Michigan – Ross School of Business. The IIF is a student-led investment fund led by MBA students at UM-Ross, aiming to support early-stage social businesses in emerging economies. Starting its journey
Amidst the hype from Friday’s Climate Strikes and the ongoing UN Climate Week, it was fantastic to have the opportunity to speak at the #LeadTheBeat B Corporation Summit this week. Having been involved in the social business movement for over ten years, the summit felt like a real moment of change.