We are delighted to share the Yunus Social Business 2018 Impact Report.

We are delighted to share the Yunus Social Business 2018 Impact Report.

April 17, 2019

Download the latest report to explore some of our highlights over the last year, including:

  • Opening a new chapter in Kenya, with the help of some dedicated local partners.
  • Investing and supporting some fantastic new social businesses, including RangSutra in India - providing sustainable livelihoods for over 2,500 artisans crafting beautiful fabrics and clothes.
  • How a new innovative financing tool we designed is helping to reach 1,000,000 children with clean water in Uganda.
  • Learn how our accelerator programme with MAN Truck & Bus is driving change with its second cohort of startups tackling logistics and mobility problems all around the world.

We’ve got so much to tell about all the fantastic things going on at YSB - download the report to find out more.

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