It is with great pleasure that we announce the grand opening of one of our social businesses - Ferme Avicole Entrepreneurs Sociaux de Nicolas! This poultry farm consists of 6 broiler houses with a total capacity of 2,000 broilers producing at least 400 broilers each week. The farm, located just outside of the city Mirebalais in the central part of Haiti, will create 3 direct jobs in the community, create a local economy around the sale of chicken, and most of all, the necessary funds to operate an elementary school for 295 children of the community.
With the help of USAID, Haiti Broilers, FATEM (Foundation for the Technological and Economic Advancement of Mirebalais), AKPN (Asosyasyon Kalezye Peyizan Nicolas) and the community member of Nicolas who donated the land on which the school was built, we are able to create positive economic and social impact in Haiti together!
For more photos visit our Facebook page….
Reckitt and YSB are working together to deliver the Accelerator in South Africa and Brazil, focusing on scaling innovative solutions that enable access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Get to know the accelerator's approach, design, and targeted impact by reading this article.
Taking effect on January 1, 2023, the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz or LkSG is a likely anchor for corporate new year’s resolutions. The introduction of the LkSG marks the first time that the responsibility of respecting human rights in global supply chains has been put on the legal shoulders of German enterprises and has the potential to influence similar legislation in other jurisdictions around the globe.
This year, we turn 10 years old! We are taking this opportunity to highlight and celebrate the inspiring partners in our community, reflect on the valuable lessons we've learned along the way and look forward to designing the next decade.