65% of the population in Kenya is under the age of 25 and there is an increasing demand for education. However, the education financing market is largely underserved: most of the financing providers to schools have generic high cost products, there are no ancillary services to improve quality of school education and management and low-cost schools are struggling to get funding and solutions unique to them.
Ed Partners Africa provides financial solutions to school owners allowing them to build schools facilities and acquire schools’ supplies (like books, school buses, installing water tanks, etc.). They also offer school-based management trainings to improve the quality of the schools’ systems and processes.
Ed Partners Africa is the only education focused financing company in East Africa to enable access to affordable quality education. They have already issued loans to 146 low cost schools, financing the construction of classrooms and the provision of school transport, leading to a 15% increase in enrolment (3,000 students) in about a year.